Saturday, October 30
Community Hayride is Sold Out. No more tickets available for the popular event sponsored by Cleveland Couples Together, Boyert's Farm in Medina, 7 pm, 7347980.
Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Youth Conference, "What Can I Do? Developing Skills and Building Alliances for Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Youth," at the University of Pittsburgh's Forbes Quadrangle in Oakland, Pa.; 9 am to 4:30 pm; $45, $10 students; to register call 412-441-9786.
The Mystery of Irma Vep-Two actors play all of the roles in this award-winning campy spoof of classic thrillers by noted gay playwright Charles Ludlam, University of Akron Kolbe Theater, 8 pm, 972-7895. Also 2 pm Sunday, Oct. 31, and 8 pm Nov. 4-6.
Halloweeen Party with games, witch's brew, prizes, and really scary stuff, 5¢ Decision, 4365 State Rd., Cleveland, no cover, 661-1314.
Wednesday, November 3
Square Dancing Beginner Class, taught by the Cleveland City Country Dancers, The Center, 1418 West 29th, 521-8051.
7:30 pm,
Thursday November 4 to Saturday, November 6
The Mystery of Irma Vep-Two actors play all of the roles in this award-winning campy spoof of classic thrillers by noted gay playwright Charles Ludlam, University of Akron Kolbe Theater, 8 pm, 972-7895.
Friday, November 5
"The Opening of the Holocaust Museum," Rabbi David Horowitz will lead Chevrei Tikva's Shabbat services and speak on the opening of the Washington, D.C. museum. 8:30 pm at Unitarian Society, 2728 Lancashire Rd., Cleveland Hts., 9325551.
Saturday, November 6
BWMT's Anniversary. Join Cleveland Black and White Men Together to celebrate their 13th anniversary. Wine and cheese reception at 6:30 pm, banquet at 7:30, Sheraton Hopkins Airport, 5300 Riverside Dr. (in the airport parking lot), $25, 786-7522 or 371-4597.
Scorpio Party. Stop by and get stung! 5¢ Decision, 4365 State Rd., Cleve, no cover, 661-1314. Sunday, November 7
Margie Adam in concert, at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Erie, one mile north of Exit 7 off I-90, $12 at door, $10 advance, 814-734-1358.
Wednesday, November 10
Mary Anne Sharkey, Plain Dealer political columnist, will discuss the local election results and how they impact the gay community. Sponsored by the Log Cabin Club of lesbian and gay Republicans, at Snickers, 1261 W.76 Street, dinner at 6:30 pm, address at 7:30; 241-3804.
Wednesday, November 10 through Sunday, November 14
Creating Change Conference, sponsored by the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, Omni Durham Hotel, Durham, N.C., write to: Ivy Young, NGLTF, 1734 14th St., N.W., Washington, DC, 20009, or call 202-332-6483.
Friday, November 12 through Sunday, November 14
National Women's Comedy Conference, to establish a network and community of women interested in women's comedy and humor; Karen Williams, Sara Cytron and others scheduled to perform. $125 includes workshops, open mic session, luncheon and performance. At Embassy Suites Hotel in Beachwood (Cleveland), discount rates available, contact hotel directly (765-8066). For conference registration call 800-653-1417 or fax 289-5885.
Thursday, November 18
Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays of Akron holds regular meeting; also Spouses of Lesbians and Gays Men, 7 pm, North Springfield Church education bldg. 671 Canton Rd., Akron; 923-1883 in Akron, 467-9078 in Cleveland.
Calendar listings are free! To list your non-profit group or club's events, send the information-including date, time, location, and contact phone to the Chronicle, P.O. Box 5426, Cleveland, 44101, or fax to 216-621-5282. Listings received by the Tuesday after the Chronicle comes out (every other Friday) will be included in the next issue.
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